Jan 31

Helping Others

Tag: Storiescurtisb @ 7:46 am

A few days ago I visited with an elderly man in need. His health has been in decline for some time now, he is physically weak and has been unable to keep up with his basic home needs. His house was in disrepair, his yard cluttered. At the back of the house a bundle of old clothes fills the gap between the air conditioner and the window frame. The inside of his house was not any better. In fact, because he has no water in his kitchen, he washes dishes in his bathtub. In humility he said, “I am ashamed to have to ask for help and I am embarrassed because I can’t do it myself.” After visiting with him a while, we let him know that there were people that just wanted to help him because he clearly has great need. He agreed and then said, “I just can’t believe that anyone wants to help me – it must be God. Praise the Lord!”