Thank You, Albuquerque!
X-Week was absolutely amazing. Stay tuned to the “Stories” section for details. Remember, “50 families in 5 days” was a start, not an end! If you know the Not So Extreme Story, you can skip right to What’s Next – otherwise, keep reading.
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Not So Extreme Makeover: Community Edition
Not So Extreme Makeover (NSX) is a joint effort of Albuquerque area organizations to actively engage with, partner with, and share with members of our community to help them improve their living environment and overcome obstacles to meeting their own needs.
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March 24-29, 2008 (APS Spring Break): Love Works Week
March 24-26, we received donations of “stuff” at the Hoffmantown Church parking lot. The donations were sorted, then used by “Go Teams” to complete many Not So Extreme Makeovers on March 29 in locations around the city, including the area in which ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition recently completed its build. But this effort went beyond the distribution of “stuff!” Read here for more information.
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Volunteers and Donors
An effort of this magnitude required a vast array of volunteer skills, from carpentry, plumbing and technology skills to child care workers, people to load and deliver items, make phone calls, enter data, feed people, drive trucks etc. Families, individuals, neighbors, old and young participated.
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What’s Next?
During X-Week, we took in more stuff than we were able to use with our pre-identified families. We also had many volunteers catch a glimpse of what sharing with others feels like, and they’re now hooked! While we were able to help 51 families or community organizations during our initial timeframe, there are many other families with known needs. We are working with area organizations on obtaining a place to serve as the “well” for stuff, where the inventory can be maintained and used as needs are identified. We are also formulating a plan to coordinate with some of the same community partners to continue to provide families with these Not So Extreme Makeovers. Imagine what a community would look like if, each month, 20 groups of people did an NSX makeover for one family!
The “Volunteer” and “Donate” tabs above are still active – if you would like to be a part of this continuing service project, feel free to fill out one of those forms. Otherwise, stay tuned to this site for information on our transition.
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NSX in Your City
If you are interested in pulling together a Not So Extreme Makeover event in your area, and would like information on what we did in Albuquerque, or if you’d like to contact the Albuquerque NSX leadership for any reason, just e-mail us and ask!
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